Evan J.

Very responsive
Private Tutor

Tutoring near Malvern, Melbourne, VIC


99.90 ATAR | 49 Raw English | 50 GAT Writing 2022+2023 | 1560 SAT Tutoring is fulfilling to me as it enables me to give students the confidence and ability to achieve their academic goals, whether it be in years 9-10 or VCE. It is the opportunity to allow others to reach their full potential and traverse even beyond their perceived talent level. My unique experience as someone who built a solid foundation myself has taught me that hard work supersedes talent, particularly through my past mathematics and chemistry competitions that I have taken part in. My strong belief is that confidence is the most important attribute that a student can have, and that it is important to instil this within a student in a manner which they are absolutely sure of each of their own decisions, whether inside the exam hall or outside. Why me? - 19/20 Exam Section A - 20/20 Exam Section C - Extensive resources (20/20 Essays) - Carefully curated problem sets with difficult problems - Strategies required to tackle difficult SAC and exam-style topics and questions - Curated feedback each lesson, allowing for rapid improvement For availability, contact me to set up a free trial lesson.


  • 99.90 ATAR, 49 Raw English, 50 GAT Writing 2022+2023, 1560 SAT


99.90 ATAR and recipient of Chancellor’s Scholarship (Melbourne Grammar School 23') VCE Results - English: 49 - 19/20 Exam Text Response - 20/20 Exam Argument and Language Analysis - 50 GAT Writing 2022+2023 Chemistry: 45 Specialist Mathematics: 42 Mathematical Methods: 43 Physics: 43 Year 12 Academic Colours & Academic Distinction (Melbourne Grammar School) Year 11 Academic Colours (Melbourne Grammar School) High Distinction in the Australian Chemistry Olympiad 2022 High Distinction in the Australian Mathematics Competition Senior Division 2022 Merit in the University of Melbourne School Mathematics Competition - 2021+2022 Prize in the Australian Mathematics Competition Intermediate Division 2021 High Distinction in the Australian Intermediate Mathematics Olympiad 2021 High Distinction in the Australian Mathematics Competition Intermediate Division 2020 Distinction in the Australian Intermediate Mathematics Olympiad 2020 SAT: 1560 ENGAA (Cambridge Engineering Admissions Assessment) Score: 9.0, 5.6 - Top 1% and 12% respectively


  • I enjoy playing basketball, tennis, and table tennis with friends in my spare time.


Character references


Around Malvern

10:00 AM - 3:00 PM

Evan can be found among