Hanh T.
Tutoring near Bedford Park, Adelaide, SA

Hanh has

Verified mobile


$80 per hour


  • One-to-one tuition
  • Online help
  • In person


Hi, My name is Hanh and I’m currently a med student at Flinders University. I went to Queensland Academy for Health Science on the Gold Coast and graduated in 2021 with an IB score of 37, which is equivalent to an ATAR of 95. My best subjects that I was most confident in were biology and chemistry in which I got a 6/7 for both subjects in my final exam. My teaching style is more leaning towards assisting my students in homework and answering their questions. As a tutor, I hope to help explain the questions and the concepts that the students find challenging, rather than giving them straight answers to the questions.


Year 12 completed in 2021.
Mark achieved: 95.00.
Currently studying Bachelor of Clinical Science/ Doctor of Medicine at Flinders University.


Character references


Around Bedford Park

Sunday 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Sunday 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Monday 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Saturday 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Saturday 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM

Travel policy

I would like to do online tutoring if possible as I usually travel with public transport but if there is travelling required then I can travel around Bedford park or Goodwood.