Arlo T.
Tutoring near Summer Hill, Sydney, NSW & Lilyfield, Sydney, NSW

Arlo has

Verified mobile
Verified marks


$30 per hour


  • One-to-one tuition
  • Online help


Personalised Tutoring - 98.90 ATAR - 97/100 Maths Ext 1 - 94/100 Maths Ext 2 I am a current student at the Australian National University looking to offer personalised quality tutoring to improve students confidence and skills. My teaching focuses on addressing students weaknesses to ensure that they are prepared for anything come time for the HSC. My experience as a Taekwondo instructor, as well as the "tutor" of my friend group throughout the HSC, has given me a love for helping people to achieve their goals, and an understanding of how to do it! 2023 HSC results ATAR: 98.90 Maths Ext 1: 97 Maths Ext 2: 94 English Ext 1: 47/50 Modern History: 93 Chinese Continuers: 92 English Advanced: 89


Year 12 completed in 2023.
Mark achieved: 98.90 (verified).
Currently studying Law and PPE (Politics, Philosophy & Economics).


Character references


Around Summer Hill

Around Lilyfield

Travel policy

All lessons will be online, as I am studying in Canberra.