Will L. Very responsive
Tutoring near Kenmore, Brisbane, QLD & Indooroopilly, Brisbane, QLD

Will has

Verified mobile
Verified marks


$40 per hour


  • One-to-one tuition
  • Group tuition
  • Online help


I am a first-year Law student at UQ, also majoring in Economics and International Relations. My best subjects were English - 97, Chemistry - 97, Physics - 98, Methods - 97 and Business - 93. I have a very involved teaching style (understanding the individual needs of each student and tailoring the experience to them), focusing on learning rather than doing it for the student. I am open to any specific requirements just let me know the details and we can work something out! As a tutor, my goal is to help plug the gaps left in a student’s knowledge and help them to gain confidence in specific areas, while providing strategies and tips for exams, study methods and revision. I take everything I have learnt over my time and university and high school, combined with my experience in both tutoring and sports coaching to provide a unique and comprehensive service. If you have any questions or queries, please do not hesitate to contact me.


  • Achievement and Excellence Award - BSHS
  • The Bob Young Spirit of State High Basketball Award 2023
  • Adam Nicholson Excellence in Coaching Award


Year 12 completed in 2023.
Mark achieved: 97.45 (verified).
Currently studying Bachelor of Laws | Arts at The University of Queensland.


  • Basketball
  • Beach Volleyball
  • Coaching


Character references


Around Kenmore

Around Indooroopilly