Xènia V.
Tutoring near Carlton, Melbourne, VIC

Xènia has

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$30 per hour


  • Online help


¡Hola! I am Xènia, a native Spanish speaker who moved to Germany when I was 16 to study a secondary teaching career. Now I am doing an exchange year at Monash University and I would love to teach my language to future Spanish speakers! I love to teach languages, as they are very important to communicate with others and understand foreign cultures. As a teacher, I am very open, organised and responsible. My teaching style and techniques are adapted to the diverse needs and preferences of each student. I would be very happy if you are interested in contacting me to be part of your language learning journey! ¡Hasta pronto!


Year 12 completed in 2021.
Mark achieved: N/A.
Currently studying Bachelor of Education at Monash University.


  • Languages, sports, animals, family and friends.


Character references


Around Carlton