Milla F.

Very responsive
University Student

Tutoring near Armadale, Melbourne, VIC & Newport, Melbourne, VIC


Hi there! My name is Milla, and I’m excited to offer online tutoring services for students in Years 3–12 mathematics as well as VCE Business Management Units 3 & 4. I recently graduated with a 96.25 ATAR and have a strong passion for both learning and teaching. Here’s a little about my experience: I completed the accelerated VCE Business Management Units 3 & 4 in 2023, achieving a raw study score of 45 (top 2% in the subject). Through this, I gained extensive knowledge and honed effective study techniques that I’m eager to share. In Year 12, I completed both Mathematical Methods and General Mathematics, earning a 41 raw study score in Methods and ranking 1st in my cohort for General Maths. My love for mathematics drives me to help students build confidence and excel in their studies. Whether you’re looking to strengthen your understanding of core concepts, develop study strategies, or boost your performance, I’d be thrilled to support your learning journey. Lessons include participatory methods including practice quizzes, unpacking concepts with the student as well as creating a lesson plan/roadmap to achieve results. Closer to exam season, I can assist in providing study and learning skills and methods to help in preparing.


  • 96.25 ATAR (2024)
  • business management: 45 raw study score
  • general mathematics: 41 raw study score
  • ranked 1st in cohort for general mathematics


Year 12 completed in 2024.

Mark achieved: 96.25 (verified).

Currently studying Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Applied Data Analytics at The Australian National University.


Character references


Around Armadale

Around Newport

Milla can be found among