Hugh L.
Tutoring near Hunters Hill, Sydney, NSW

Hugh has

Verified mobile
Verified marks


$70 per hour



| ATAR - 99.70 (2023) | 1st in NSW for HSC Economics 99/100 | HSC Mathematics Advanced 99/100 | HSC Chemistry 96/100 | Hey! I'm Hugh and graduated from Knox Grammar School in 2023. I plan on studying a Bachelor of Economics/Bachelor of Advanced Studies at the University of Sydney. As a tutor I aim to provide personalised teaching to cater to the needs of each student individually. In doing so, I am able to help improve upon your weaknesses whether that be a poor understanding of content or more broadly an ineffective study routine. I believe as having once gone through your position that deeply understanding the content within each course is the key to success rather than rote learning content. Why you may ask? Well, rote learning is highly repetitive and in turn causes you to easily lose focus, something which is highly damaging in the fast-paced environment that is Year 11/12. So what do I bring to the table as a tutor? I value your understanding and ability to put your knowledge on paper more than marks. I believe that good marks are a byproduct of good understanding and ability to write. Particularly, this approach to your studies helps reduce stress and builds confidence in your own abilities, something which allows you to perform to a personal best within your exams. To ensure you can be an independent learner I provide access to a large number of resources which I found successful in Year 11/12. This will allow you to study effectively and independently in your own time. I wish all the best for you in your HSC journey!


Year 12 completed in 2023.
Mark achieved: 99.70 (verified).
Currently studying Bachelor of Economics/Bachelor of Advanced Studies at The University of Sydney.


Character references


Around Hunters Hill

Travel policy

I am free to travel to your house/a library within a reasonable distance from where I live.