99 ATAR TUTORING in General Maths, Psychology & Environmental Science
Hi! I’m Damon, and I graduated from Salesian College Chadstone in 2023 as the Proxime Accessit Dux with an ATAR of 99.00.
My study scores:
- 50 in Environmental Science (DUX & Premier’s Award)
- 47 in General Maths
- 45 in English
- 44 in Psychology (DUX)
- 38 in Business Management
In 2024, 3 of my 8 students achieved a 45+ study score in their tutored subject, with a 48 in General Maths, and 46 & 45 in Environmental Science.
In 2025, I am offering one-on-one and small group tutoring in 3/4 General Maths, Psychology and Environmental Science. This includes…
✅Weekly or fortnightly sessions, in person or online
✅Over 200 hours of tutoring experience
✅Additional support between lessons over email or text for no additional cost
✅An extensive resource bank including practice worksheets, tests, exams and notes
✅A comprehensive understanding of the new study designs
✅Insider knowledge from VCE examiners
Each student has their own unique approach to learning, and as their tutor, it is my role to help them excel in a way that feels natural and comfortable, allowing them to achieve their personal goals while maintaining a sensible work-life balance.