Damon O.

Very responsive
University Student

Tutoring near Bentleigh East, Melbourne, VIC & Bentleigh, Melbourne, VIC & Moorabbin, Melbourne, VIC & Oakleigh South, Melbourne, VIC & Clayton, Melbourne, VIC


99 ATAR TUTORING in General Maths, Psychology & Environmental Science Hi! I’m Damon, and I graduated from Salesian College Chadstone in 2023 as the Proxime Accessit Dux with an ATAR of 99.00. My study scores: - 50 in Environmental Science (DUX & Premier’s Award) - 47 in General Maths - 45 in English - 44 in Psychology (DUX) - 38 in Business Management In 2024, 3 of my 8 students achieved a 45+ study score in their tutored subject, with a 48 in General Maths, and 46 & 45 in Environmental Science. In 2025, I am offering one-on-one and small group tutoring in 3/4 General Maths, Psychology and Environmental Science. This includes… ✅Weekly or fortnightly sessions, in person or online ✅Over 200 hours of tutoring experience ✅Additional support between lessons over email or text for no additional cost ✅An extensive resource bank including practice worksheets, tests, exams and notes ✅A comprehensive understanding of the new study designs ✅Insider knowledge from VCE examiners Each student has their own unique approach to learning, and as their tutor, it is my role to help them excel in a way that feels natural and comfortable, allowing them to achieve their personal goals while maintaining a sensible work-life balance.


  • Proxime Accessit Dux of Salesian College Chadstone (2023)
  • Premier's Award in Environmental Science (2023)
  • Dux of Psychology (2023)
  • ATAR: 99.00


Year 12 completed in 2023.

Mark achieved: 99.00 (verified).

Currently studying Bachelor of Science at Monash University.


Damon is an exceptional tutor who was instrumental in helping me reach my goals in General Maths. His patience and clear explanations made even the most challenging topics manageable. He takes the time to ensure you truly understand the material and adapts his teaching to suit your needs. Thanks to Damon, I gained the confidence and skills to excel. I highly recommend him to anyone looking for a dedicated and supportive tutor!
Anonymous on 18th December 2024
Damon's tutoring approach ensured I wasn't stressed throughout the year, ultimately supporting me to achieve a raw 45 study score in Environmental Science. Damon understands how assessors mark, focusing on high yield responses to maximise marks. He helped me understand tricky environmental concepts, explaining them until I understood them intuitively. I highly recommend Damon, especially for students aiming for high scores.
Chloe on 17th December 2024

Character references


Around Bentleigh East

7:00 AM - 10:00 PM
7:00 AM - 10:00 PM
7:00 AM - 10:00 PM
7:00 AM - 10:00 PM
7:00 AM - 10:00 PM
7:00 AM - 10:00 PM
7:00 AM - 10:00 PM

Around Bentleigh

Around Moorabbin

Around Oakleigh South

Around Clayton

Travel policy

We can conduct lessons at a local library or your own house. If travel is required outside of South Eastern Melbourne some extra fees may apply. Online is also available as an alternative.

Damon can be found among