Noah P.

Very responsive
Private Tutor

Tutoring near Hughesdale, Melbourne, VIC


⭐VCE BIO+METHODS+SPESH and Yr 7-10 Math/Science Tutoring From Monash Med Student⭐(🤑Free trial lesson included🤑) TOP STUDENT SCORES: Bio-50 Raw, Methods-46 Scaled, Spesh-51 Scaled Hi, I'm Noah, a second year medical student🩺 studying at Monash university offering to teach future students an intuitive approach to leaning. I aim to teach students not only what they need to know, but how and why they should approach exams. Having done over 100 practise exams during my own preparation, I have come to understand how vital they are, and as such am hoping to impart those exam skills onto new students. Credentials: ATAR: 98.9 Course: 2nd Year Monash Medical Student DUX of my highschool Raw 47 in Biology🧬 Scaled 48 In Methods🧮 Scaled 47 In Spesh🧮 A+ Sac average Over 800+ Hours of tutoring experience Class structure: 1-2 Hour Weekly lessons covering both Content and exam questions Weekly notes + Whole unit summary notes comprising of over 200 pages and 20,000 words written by myself Constant past exam question links, often looking ahead to exams once a topic is done Finish all content by the end of term 2, giving around 3 months for pure exam preparation ALL CLASSES RECORDED FOR FUTURE USE CLASS TYPES: 1-1 Classes-These classes will be the most specialised and will provide an excellent Group Classes with friends-These classes will be small groups that you will bring yourself, from 2-5 people, thus it will be with people you know, which will allow for discussions outside the class to improve learning Group Classes made beforehand-These are groups that you can join to start learning straight away I am available to contact 24/7, whether it be at 12 pm or 3 am, I will be awake to reply to any questions or concerns. My aim is to work with you, and work around how you learn best, so this means you are the focus and priority. I will teach you only what you need to know and how to apply that knowledge, thus maximising learning in the least time possible. I offer free trial lessons for every subject, group and individual, so feel free to send me a message. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or concerns😊


  • Getting dux at my school
  • Being ranked top 3 in the state for debating
  • Consistently receiving academic awards at school


Current 2nd Year Monash Medical Student Highschool Dux, being the dux for every subject i completed


  • I love going to the gym and working out
  • Hanging out with friends


Character references


Around Hughesdale

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