Esther J.
Tutoring near Newington, Sydney, NSW

Esther has

Verified mobile


$60 per hour


  • One-to-one tuition
  • Online help


6+ years of HSC Maths Tutor from Advanced to Extension 1, having achieved 95+ from Advanced to Extension 2! I am currently a Doctor of Optometry student based in NSW, but with my passion as a maths tutor I have been helping high school students rebuild fundamental understanding of topics and be exposed to as many different exam style questions as possible for HSC. Students will test their knowledge for each topic through carefully crafted topic tests based on individual students' progresses. HSC materials both physical and online resources are catered to and shared with individual students to maximise their learning opportunity and students are more than welcome to ask questions outside of lesson times!


  • UNSW Australian Mathematics Competition


Year 12 completed in 2017.
Mark achieved: 98.75.
Currently studying Doctor of Optometry.


Character references


Around Newington