Haley P.
Tutoring near Haymarket, Sydney, NSW & Randwick, Sydney, NSW

Haley has

Verified mobile
Verified marks


$60 per hour


  • One-to-one tuition
  • Online help


Currently studying UNSW Medicine Hi I'm Haley I am a past high school student who completed her HSC in 2022. I received an atar of 94.60 and am currently studying medicine at UNSW in Sydney. I received a HSC mark of 94 in mathematics advanced and I hope to pass on some of knowledge and best tips to other students so they too can achieve exceptional results in their HSC. I teach using examples and visuals and provide students with the opportunity to complete numerous practice questions from various resources so they are able to cover several questions types.


Year 12 completed in 2022.
Mark achieved: 94.60 (verified).
Currently studying Bachelor of Medical Studies/Doctor of Medicine at The University of New South Wales.


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Around Haymarket

Around Randwick