99.85 ATAR 🔵 Raw 50 Spec Maths 🔵 Year 5-12 VCE Math, English, Chemistry, Biology and Physics individual or group tutoring; 100% personalised lessons; exclusive library of resources including past exams, summary sheets, video tutorials, topic notebooks specific to your school curriculum and more 🔵 BOOK FREE CONSULTATION!
Hey there, I’m Sreeya. I graduated with a 99.85 ATAR, and my team and I ranked 1st in several assessments for equivalents to Specialist Mathematics, Maths Methods, Physics Chemistry, and English throughout Year 11 and 12. My team was even in the news: search up “Daily Telegraph 2021 HSC School Duxes” and featured on the OFFICIAL Australian Science Innovations for qualifying in national olympiads: search up “Sreeya Das Science Olympiad”.
🔻 Year 5-10 tutoring is catered to students from all highschools.
🔻 Year 11/12 tutoring is catered to students from Avila, Brighton, Canterbury Girls, Camberwell/CGS/CAGS, Caulfield Grammar, Dandenong, GWSC, Haileybury, JMSS, MacRob, McKinnon, Melbourne High, MWSC, Kew High School, Korowa, PLC, Ruyton, St Catherine's, Scotch College, Strathcona, Wantirna, Suzanne Cory, Vermont and all other VIC highschools.
I run a highly experienced online tutoring team called “Excel Academics”, with our tutors scoring in the top 5% in Australia, receiving 99.95 ATARs, topping subjects state-wide, studying highly competitive degrees (such as medicine), and qualifying for international olympiads. We have also accumulated 1000's of hours of teaching experience and improved low C students to straight A’s. All group tutoring students are taught by Sreeya.
Individual and group tutoring are currently offered in:
✅ Year 5 - 10 Maths, English, Science
✅ VCE Unit 1 - 4 Maths Methods
✅ VCE Unit 1 - 4 Specialist Maths
✅ VCE Unit 1 - 2 General Maths
✅ VCE Unit 3 - 4 Further Maths
✅ VCE Unit 1 - 4 Chemistry
✅ VCE Unit 1 - 4 English
✅ VCE Unit 1 - 4 Biology
✅ VCE Unit 1 - 4 Physics
We help our students build confidence in each subject and achieve their academic goals; whether it be to catch up on content, stay ahead in school, prepare for school-specific exams, you name it. Here are some stats of how we have improved student performance in the past:
- 99.95 is the highest ATAR achieved by our students
- We’ve conducted over 5000+ tutoring hours
- 4.9 out of 5-star rating. Check out our verified reviews here, on google, and on our website
- 90% of our students achieved an ATAR over 90, ranking in the top 10%
FREE Study Skills Consultation:
We understand that choosing the right tutor can be difficult, which is why we offer a free, no-obligation 15 minute consultation. This is where we will gauge your past performance, strengths, weaknesses, goals, and curriculum to personalise your tutoring. You can ask us any questions you have about tutoring or about academics in general - we are always happy to help.
Individual Tutoring for Year 5-12 Students ($80/hr PAYG or $75/hr for a 10 lesson package):
Our highly personalised lessons will ensure you have a solid understanding of concepts and boost your confidence in it. We will not only thoroughly prepare you for content covered in class, but, if desired, facilitate pre-learning content for you to get ahead! You will be taught by our specialised team who have all scored in the top 5% in Australia - our team includes Medicine, Dentistry, Actuary, Engineering students and more (you can find us on our Excel Academics site). You will be provided with notes, worksheets, textbooks, mock exams, summary sheets and personalised homework tailored to your school curriculum, learning style and goals. You will also be sent a progress report after each lesson, so you can keep track of how you’re doing. We conduct all lessons through Zoom or Discord to allow maximum flexibility for our students - we understand you have a life outside of school!
Group Tutoring for Year 11-12 Students ($60/hr for a 10 lesson term):
BONUS Exclusive Topic Resources:
Along with their tutoring, all students receive complimentary access to Excel Academic's exclusive library of resources made by 99.85-99.95 ATAR scorers. Here's what it includes:
-- Topic Notes 🚀
Notebooks curated by Sreeya, with concise and simple explanations for every concept, and 100's of exam-style questions with worked solutions. It also includes methods used by top scorers to maximise accuracy and efficiency.
-- Summary Sheets 📚
Detailed formulae sheet, exam hacks, methods for every exam question, tips and tricks, and more!
-- Mock Exams 🔍
Countless mock exams consisting of past exam questions, challenging problems and topic-specific worksheets (detailed solutions included)
-- Progress Reports 💻
Receive progress reports after each lesson, detailing what you did well, what you can work on, and our tentative plan for future lessons.
Support outside of lessons:
I’m sure we’ve all experienced how stressful school can be - which is why we also offer support 7 days/week free of charge to help out with any issues our students may face or regarding any questions they have about their studies.
Access our free notes by searching “Excel Academics Free Resources”
Check out “ExcelAcademicsMaths” to attend FREE events, and read about the invaluable experiences and detailed study strategies of 99.85-99.95 ATAR scorers. To maximise your results, you not only need to know WHAT to learn, but HOW to learn - and these free resources help you do exactly that. They cover information about the ATAR and VCE system that is either not easily found on the internet or not found at all.
// $750 for online individual tutoring (10 lesson package)
// $80 per hour for online individual tutoring (PAYG)
// $60 per hour for online small group tutoring (5-6 students in each group)
Limited spots available