Rudra P. Very responsive
Tutoring near Kellyville Ridge, Sydney, NSW

Rudra has

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$35 per hour


  • One-to-one tuition
  • Home visits


96.25 ATAR | Band 6s in Chemistry, Ext 2 and Ext 1 Mathematics | Going to be studying Actuarial Studies/Computer Science at UNSW | Hey, I'm Rudra Patel and I finished my HSC recently in 2021. As a student who faced many challenges throughout my year 12, I managed to attain a great ATAR and got into the course I wanted. I hope to help you achieve your dream ATAR through in-depth learning and teaching you tips that will help you get through the HSC.


2021 HSC Marks: Maths Ext 2: 91 E4 Maths Ext 1: 90 E4 Chemistry: 90 B6 Physics: 87 B5 ATAR: 96.25


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Around Kellyville Ridge