Anjali D. Very responsive
Tutoring near Camperdown, Sydney, NSW


99.3 ATAR| Dux| Dalyell Scholar| USyd Arts/Law| HSC State Ranker and All-Rounder| Premier's Award Hi! My name is Anjali and I am currently studying Arts/Law at the University of Sydney (majoring in English). I am super passionate about learning and assisting students to discover their strengths and develop their potential within their education journey. I am happy to help you with assignments, subject/ syllabus clarification, exam technique and I will guide you to both survive - and thrive - during your HSC. During my HSC, I learnt the art of balance - juggling study, a job at Palace Cinema, school roles as Communication Prefect and House Tutor Leader and a social life! I graduated in 2021 as Dux of Lindisfarne Anglican Grammar School with an ATAR of 99.30. Subject marks: English Advanced: 95/100 Extension 1 English: 49/50 Extension 2 English: 48/50 Standard Mathematics: 99/100 Legal Studies: 95/ 100 Modern History: 93/100 SOR I (2020): 92/100 HSC Distinguished Achiever HSC All Rounder HSC Top Achiever (State Rank in Standard Mathematics) Interests: Reading (a serial bookworm :)) Writing (published in 2016 by Penguin Random House) Music/ songwriting Film/ acting (studied with NIDA) Performance poetry (Byron Writers Festival performance and presentation) Surfing Travel


Year 12 completed in 2021.
Mark achieved: 99.30 (verified).
Currently studying Arts/Law at The University of Sydney.


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