Shlok S.
Tutoring near Willetton, Perth, WA

Shlok has

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$30 per hour


  • Group tuition



I am a medical student at curtin university. I graduated highschool with an adjusted ATAR of 98.95, and I studied maths methods, maths specialist, chemistry, physics, german, accounting and finance and english ATAR. I also took a gap year, during which I taught at Lynwood North Shore Coaching College, and taught classes with upwards of 18 students. This has allowed to me to gain lots of experience teaching difficult topics, to a large group of students. I am able to help students understand complex topics by explaining them in an easy to understand manner, delivering it in small discrete packets of information. I also have access to a large database of resources, ensuring I will have the appropriate material for your specific needs. Because of my course requirements, I am only tutoring students at year 10 or below, in groups of up to 5 students per session.


Year 12 completed in 2022.
Mark achieved: 98.95.
Currently studying Bachelor of medicine Bachelor of surgery.


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