Harshita L.
Tutoring near Fitzroy, Melbourne, VIC

Harshita has

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$60 per hour


  • One-to-one tuition
  • Online help


I've recently completed my Honours thesis in Psychology from the Australian National University, and am currently working as a Management Consultant at an accounting firm. Outside of work I love drawing, Pilates and Formula 1! During my studies I always had a tendency to get distracted and focus only on the things I enjoyed, and kept procrastinating from the tasks that were hard until the pressure of the deadline was imminent! By starting early and managing my anxiety, I was able to excel in my end of year exams and got selected to be in *the Good Answers Guide **as **my essay was a model answer! * I know a lot of us are like that and so I've developed tips and tricks over the years to avoid that deadline rush and regret of "I wish I had started sooner". I've also developed ways to use my strengths and interests to my advantage in standing out, being unique and maximising my scores, this led me to *being the DUX of Psychology in my school in Year 12! * Thats why my tutoring style focuses on; - Providing detailed feedback with demonstrations and examples - Focusing on strengths and using those to maximise performance - Using personal motivations as the key to success! - Having set goals in place - Building slowly and consistently towards goals avoiding that last minute overwhelm! - Establishing good study patterns and techniques from early on - Boosting confidence and reducing anxiety Looking forward to chatting with you and can't wait to work with you to help you achieve your best!


  • Dux of Psychology at Rossmoyne SHS in 2017
  • 6/7 GPA in Honours Psychology at Australian National University


Rossmoyne Senior High School (WA)


  • Pilates


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Around Fitzroy

Sunday 10:30 AM - 7:30 PM
Monday 5:30 PM - 8:30 PM
Tuesday 5:30 PM - 8:30 PM
Wednesday 5:30 PM - 8:30 PM
Thursday 5:30 PM - 8:30 PM
Saturday 5:30 PM - 8:30 PM