In order to do his classes justice, I will start from the beginning.
After receiving overwhelmingly negative results in my final maths exam back in Year 10, I couldn’t see how I could possibly raise the bar for my final years of school. I was also incredibly unorganised, and this result in a level of stress and procrastination that just wasn’t worth the time. I felt like the amount of effort I put into each of my classes simply didn’t add up. I have initially been reluctant to be taught by a tutor, primarily because I was afraid that they wouldn’t understand me.
My perceptions were completely blown out of the water however, when I began to attend Paul’s tuition classes. He is approachable, has a spectacular sense of humour, and a thorough knowledge of pop culture to put your mind at ease before tuition commences. This makes his sessions thoroughly engaging, even if maths is otherwise the last thing you’d want to be thinking about. Paul is incredibly patient, and he will sit down and work through the questions with you at a pace you can handle (he is also more than happy to repeat the process as many times as it takes until you fully grasp the concepts). Paul is someone who really understands his students, and can easily adapt to teach in the method that suits you best.
If you are unsure of how to efficiently block out your study for an exam paper, or even just for the following class, I cannot stress enough how much of an asset Paul is. He has even helped me with some equations and graph work in some of my other classes, too. I found that since I have been attended Paul’s tuition classes, my marks in maths have steadily increased to the point where I could consider them accomplishments.
In a nutshell, thank you Paul for all the support you have given me over my final year and a bit of maths, and helping me come to appreciate the role at least some of it plays in everyday life. It is because of Paul that I managed to succeed in my final maths papers. I really cannot recommend him enough.
By Quinn L on 5th February 2021