Ethan C.

Very responsive
Private Tutor

Tutoring near Epping, Sydney, NSW & Hornsby, Sydney, NSW & Wahroonga, Sydney, NSW & North Parramatta, Sydney, NSW & Carlingford, Sydney, NSW


4+ YRS EXP | SPECIALIST ENGLISH & BUSINESS STUDIES TUTOR | EXCELLENT STUDENT ACHIEVEMENTS | BILINGUAL TUTOR (CHINESE MANDARIN) Hi! My name is Ethan and I am a private tutor with 3+ years experience tutoring students from Primary - Year 12. I am currently studying a Bachelor of Computer Science at UNSW and am actively tutoring students studying for both the HSC and Senior High Schools. My students receive individualised, tailored programs that look to directly improve the areas in which they are looking to improve in. The 4+ years of experience allows me to provide extensive resources and knowledge that include State-rank notes and essays, along with new syllabus papers. What you will receive as my student: ✅ Access to STATE-RANK Notes and Essays ✅Tailored Lessons My past student achievement 2022: Advanced English - Band 6 Standard English - Band 6 2023: Student Atar: 97.55, 98.65 Advanced English - Band 6 Standard English - Band 5 Please contact me for lesson arrangement, look to hear from you!


  • UNSW Elite Athlete Scholar
  • Gold Duke of Ed
  • HSC Advanced English: 95/100
  • HSC Business Studies: 93/100
  • 2023 UNSW Engineering Society Vice President


UNSW 2021 - Computer Science Mark achieved: 98 (Verified.)


Ethan was so professional in his approach and focussed on improving my son's capability and confidence in all the modules of the English Advanced HSC. He worked him hard in the tutorials and offered real practical help, not just vague comments and feedback. I highly recommend him to any student who is doing English Advanced to improve their ATAR but may not have English as their best or favourite subject! Ethan can save you!
Natasha on 14th October 2022
Ethan is an exceptional tutor who has helped my son achieve his great marks, he stands out by his personal interest in seeing his students achieve good marks and follows up with parents and updates the status clearly, I am really happy with his tutoring.
Vijaya Kumar on 12th October 2022
Great tutor, would recommend!
Peter lin on 8th October 2022

Character references


Around Epping

Around Hornsby

Around Wahroonga

Around North Parramatta

Around Carlingford

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