Emily has been tutoring me in my IB studies for almost two years now. Whenever I am not understanding something, she is really persistent and patient with me and makes sure that I understand before moving on. She is also efficient in assigning me homework that has to be completed by our next session. I found that I get a lot more done when she assigns me to complete something as it also makes me review the work that we did in our session and stay on top of things. Emily is also flexible with times and will always try to cater to me as a student. If one of us is away or unavailable we will turn to Zoom or find another date that suits both of yes. Overall, Emily is a fantastic tutor who is accommodating to her students and helps them to overcome the challenges they face. Personally, she has made why last two years of school much easier to get through despite the added stress and expectations from Year 11 and 12.
Isabella Joseph on 6th July 2022