Patrick C.

Very responsive
University Student

Tutoring near Kensington, Sydney, NSW & Eastwood, Sydney, NSW


✨STATE RANK TUTOR✨ || 98.75 ATAR ✅ ❗TUTORING NEW COMPUTING SUBJECTS. ❗Hi, I'm a university student who specialised in tutoring IPT and SDD, I am now helping students navigate the brand new HSC courses Enterprise Computing and Software Engineering. I have tutored the old subjects for four years with proven excellent results from my students. I can get your son/daughter marks that will fill you with a sense of pride. Your child is capable of achieving amazing results in technology subjects and with a bit of my help they will reach the potential that they have. An A for them is only a few tutoring sessions away. Past students of mine have gotten over 90% in their coding major works after my guidance in teaching them how to code complex algorithms to bring their ideas to life. I've also helped students excel in their sit-down exams by teaching them all of the strategies to get them to write what teachers are looking for in an answer. I excelled in my HSC, coming 6th in the state in IPT and getting a band 6 in all my subjects: Advanced Math, Advanced English, Economics, IPT, and SDD. I love teaching by going over problem questions and explaining why some answers are good and others aren't. I teach conversationally, keeping your child attentive and listening. I build a relationship with them so they will enjoy coming to tutoring and will get the most out of our sessions. Additionally, I have over two years of experience working for a private tutoring company MyTuition which has enabled me to know what helps students understand and what doesn't. I guarantee I'll be able to bring the best out of your child and get them the marks they deserve.


  • All-Rounder HSC
  • 98.75 ATAR
  • #1 in Software Design and Development EBHS 2020
  • #6 in the State for Information, Processes, and Technology 2020


Year 12 completed in 2020.

Mark achieved: 98.75 (verified).

Currently studying Computer Science at The University of New South Wales.


  • Reading
  • Writing


5/5 Stars I worked with Patrick in the lead up to my HSC (Finals) Software Design & Development Exam, he is a great tutor with an in-depth knowledge of course content and was fantastic in helping me prepare for my exam, he was quick to respond and very flexible in terms of session times. I highly recommend Patrick as an outstanding tutor to any SDD student, as he has invaluably helped me with my SDD exam.
Benjamin Walters on 2nd November 2022

Character references


Around Kensington

Around Eastwood

Travel policy

I'm always happy to tutor in-person if you can come to UNSW library or Epping Library

Patrick can be found among